Thursday 25 June 2015

2015 Lingo Singaporeans Use

As we browse through our social media platforms or even having Whatsapp conversation with some friends, we found out some people are using lingos that.... doesn't make any sense at all? Here are some of the examples.


Most of the teenage girls are using this term, "Tilt". I still don't know what does it mean, but I am guessing it means topple. Correct me if I'm wrong. 

How to use it: "Don't make me tilt please." "Wa damn tilt." "Tilting" "____ has been tilting the whole night"


Yes, CAKE! Singaporeans uses the term CAKE to say it's kinda messed up. Always hungry after seeing this word. No, I still don't get how the word CAKE come about being used in our daily conversation. WHY CAKE?!

How to use it: "Sibei cake sia zzz" "HAHAH DAMN CAKE" 


A very common phrase used in Instagram. Every single time a picture of a male and a female pops up on Instagram, there we go. SIPSIP. And it's a trend for everyone to continue the chain of sipsips.

How to use it: "Sipsip" (Make sure it's on Instagram to get the full chain effect)


After the Sip, comes the ship. Same thing, but this term is used mostly to represent you envying their relationship. Comes from the word Relationship.

How to use it: "I ship you both." "Ship goals" "Too much ship in this" (sigh....)


One of the most annoying term on my list. EVERYONE is using this two word. IS IT. They put this two words in every single sentence they use. Is it I hungry? Is it you never reply me? I DON'T KNOW!

How to use it: Insert "is it" in every single sentence. That's it. I mean... Is it that's it?


Same as the one above. Insert "What Is" to every problem you have. Yes, this is a problem solver. 

How to use it: "What is reach school then teacher no come." "What is forget to bring my wallet." 
                        "What is the sun so hot." 


It means small in Chinese. People use this term to "cutie-fy" their sentences. 

How to use it: "Take taxi ah? Xiao Rich." "I no money. Xiao broke today" "Is it you xiao love me?" 

That is basically all I know and enough to be irritated. What other lingos do you know that Singaporeans are using in this recent years? Share with me. 


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