Friday 26 June 2015

Charleston Church Shooter Dylann Roof Received $4million Donations from Supporters?

No. A rumor began to circulate on social media on Thursday that racist Charleston, South Carolina, church shooting suspect Dylann Roof has received $4 million in donations for his legal defense fund.
But the story is a hoax. It was first posted on a fake news website, News Watch 33, and began to spread on Twitter and Facebook.
The story says the funds for Dylann Roof are being collected and managed by a website called Citizens For White Rights, which does not appear to exist and is not a registered charity.
The website posted a screenshot that they say came from the charity and proves the donations have really been made, along with a statement from the groups supposed leader:

Roof is being held without bail on the murder charges and on $1 million bail on a lesser gun charge. He faces the death penalty if convicted. 

Source: Snopes, Heavy.


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