Tuesday 23 June 2015

Hungry Ghost Festival Do's & Dont's

Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the 27th of July. But if you read this earlier, you can avoid some of what they call "Pantang" that are passed down from the olden days. Here are some taboos to follow. 

1) AVOID SWIMMINGIt is believed that water ghost or any previously drowned ghost might cause you to drown in the swimming pool as such ghost need to find victims in order for them to reincarnate. 

2) Childrens are advised to go back home early and not wander around the streets at night as there are numerous wandering spirits around and kids tend to be vulnerable to see spirits. This belief is due to the reason that wandering spirits can possess children easily.

3) Avoid spitting, peeing or hitting any trees or walls during this month. Rumour has it that there are spirits hiding in trees or walls and peeing on their territory might get you into some deep shit.

4) Do not make any negative comments or rude jokes about offering items on the streets or poke fun about the empty chairs in front of the Chinese opera. Those chairs are for ghost.

5) DO NOT. DO NOT pick up any red packet or money found on the street. Walk away and ignore it. No really. Don't be greedy.

For travellers who are going overseas ESPECIALLY Bangkok, here are some tips you can follow to avoid getting into trouble.

1) Before entering the hotel, give a respectful knock. As in "Knock, knock." Not "Knockknockknock". You get me.

2) When you're in the hotel room, whisper to the energy around that you are staying here temporarily and kindly request them to not disturb you. 

3) Try to avoid facing the mirror when you sleep. If it is already positioned like this, cover it with a towel. 

4) If you are going out from the hotel room, it is best advised to put your belongings on the bed. 

5) Last but not least, try to say Sorry as much as possible if you feel that you've offended the spirits. Don't be egoistic. Saying sorry after you stepped on the joss paper will not kill you. Better be safe than sorry. 

Be safe, people! Share with the people you think might need this! 


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